Between 2nd February and 4th March, 2023, 326,000 hectares burned between the regions of Ñuble and Araucanía alone. This is an incessant repetition of fire hells that cause multiple damages: loss of people and animals, loss of flora and fauna, destruction of agricultural productions and communities.
We denounce and hold responsible the large political-business groups and those who are part of their lobbying arm – CORMA – as the main culprits of this catastrophe. The combination of forestry industry, negligence of authorities and conflicts of interest, added to climate change and deterioration of biodiversity, is producing more and more damage to rural communities affected by the consequences of monoculture: damages such as drought, erosion, increased mega-fires, and destruction of traditional livelihoods and peasant family farming.
It is urgent to stop those responsible for the climate crisis, end the capitalist and extractivist system, put an end to monoculture tree plantations and guarantee social and ecological restoration.
In addition, forestry companies in general and in particular Arauco, Mininco and CMPC, the main owners of forest plantations and timber industries, must finance the costs associated with repairing the damage caused by forest fires on human communities and biodiversity.
On the 24th March people across the world united to say #ChileIsOurStory
People globally came together to hold accountable the companies like Arauco, Mininco and CMPC who have contributed most to this crisis.
Music by @freebeats.io
Chile is our story, the climate crisis our time, solidarity is our power.
International Day of Action – Friday, March 24th
Organize an action!
Be it a direct actions addressing fossil infrastructures or the pulp and forestry industry, or a rally in significant public spaces.
Don’t know what to do? In the toolkit you find photos of fires in different parts of the world (you can also include fires in your region). Use this material to show that this is the same story happening over and over again in different places.
Take action to hold accountable, confront and stop the actors responsible for the climate and ecological crisis!
Responsibles: Arauco, CMPC, Mininco, wood and pulp industry, Vanguard y BlackRock
International Solidarity – We’re not invisible: The Chilean media have stopped showing the families who are still without homes, without basic services and without work. We therefore ask that this tragedy be made visible and that solidarity campaigns be intensified to help the affected sectors and Nature, which is seriously threatened by this extractive industry disguised as green.
Do you already have other actions? We know that on the 22nd you may have water-related actions or other actions around the 24th – it’s all connected! Talk to your group and explore how you can, in the actions you will already do in the days around March 24, also include what happened in Chile so that it is not invisible and that we fight together for a systemic change to stop the climate and ecological crisis.
Assembly and Action Breifing – Tuedsday, March 21st
On March 21st at 8pm GMT / 5pm Chilean time we will have an online call with people from the affected communities where you can hear what happened, who is responsible and how to take action on March 24th.
Here you can find tools to organize your own action.
Sharing your action
Are you organizing a public action? Share where, when, who and links HERE so we can add it to the website!
After your action, please send 3 photos and a short video of your action to: info@this-is-our-story.org
Social Media
In all publications please use #ChileIsOurStory !
Below you can find social media posts which you can adapt for your own action.
The Font we used is called Montserrat.
Social Media materials
The story repeats itself over and over again. These are not just “natural disasters”. The dimensions, impacts and lack of restauration are due to the capitalist system. The fossil fuels companies and their allies are responsibles for the Climate Crisis. The wood companies, paper industry and large monoculture plantations are responsible for destroying forests, killing the communities that protect them and blocking the ecological and social restoration that is urgently needed.
We suggest to use images of different wildfires that have happened around the world and in recent years to demonstrate:
- this is our history, repeating itself in different communities
- these companies are responsible for these crimes, as such they must be stopped
Australian Bushfires
(Photo: Matthew Abbott/The New York Times)
Siberia wildfires
(Photo: wildfiretoday.com)
Western United States wildfires
(Photo: www.climatesignals.com)
Algerian wildfires
(Photo: Abdelaziz Boumzar/Reuters)
Canada’s Northwest Territories fires
(Photo: robinwestenra.blogspot.com)
British Columbia, Canada
(Photo: government of British Columbia)
Greece wildfires
(Photo: Greek Reporter)
Amazon rainforest wildfires
(Photo: INSTAGRAM/livingonearth)
También puedes añadir:
#EndFossilNow #ClimateSolidarity
Press release
Soon we will have a press realease that you can adapt to your context and action.
Comunicado público a raíz de los mega incendios forestales
De Red por la Superación del Modelo Forestal,Coordinadora Socioambiental BiobíoyONG Defensa Ambiental.
Denunciamos y responsabilizamos a los grandes grupos político-empresariales y a quienes integran su brazo lobbista -la CORMA- como los principales culpables de esta catástrofe. La combinación de industria forestal, negligencia de autoridades y conflictos de intereses, sumado al cambio climático y deterioro de la biodiversidad, viene produciendo cada vez más daño a las comunidades rurales, afectadas por las consecuencias del monocultivo que incluyen sequía, erosión, aumento de los mega-incendios, y destrucción de los modos de vida tradicionales y la agricultura familiar campesina.
Más información aquí.
Chile en Llamas: Organizaciones sociales lo advirtieron y exigen superar el modelo forestal
De Colectivo Viento Sur, Environmental Paper Network y BioFuelWatch.
‘Los incendios forestales son desastres socio-ambientales cuyo impacto psicológico y comunitario trascienden las pérdidas materiales y económicas, afectando en múltiples niveles a familias y localidades completas, incrementando su vulnerabilidad’’, declaró la Red Chilena por la Superación del Modelo Forestal el 2 de enero de este año, solo un mes antes de registrarse la presente situación.
Más información aquí.